
About our webinars

Useful guide to our online courses

"I came into this session with dread that I would struggle to engage via online. But I had a lot of fun today and took in a lot more then I perhaps would have in person."

"I am not much of a 'sitter' but quite happily sat through the whole 4 hours! It was fun, fast-paced, interactive, informative, and I love how practical your ideas are."

"Great to have the admin team on-board for sorting technical issues and gathering questions."

"The webinar worked exceptionally well for the following reasons; no interruptions from anyone whilst Yolanda was speaking. Superbly organised. No travel costs. Excellent timings for the 'buddy' chats. The knowledge and confidence of the speaker and 'admin' team were superb. I absolutely loved it."

"I really liked the variety of the presentation, being able to see videos, participating, modelling and having your Admin support, Neve and Cath right there. They were great too."

"The speed of delivery was perfect, the directions for using the platform were perfect, the breakout rooms were great, the breaks were well timed and the content was amazing!!!"

"The break out rooms were a great way to reflect and discuss our thoughts on what we were learning."

"The instructions during the zoom were explicit and easy to follow. It is the best PD I've had on how to use zoom!"

"The presentation was run really smoothly and I felt I got all the information that I would have received in face-to-face presentation."

In addition to Yolanda’s in-person training courses, we now also offer the training courses as both live and on demand online webinars. 

Hosted by Yolanda, the live webinars also include a competent admin and support person who is on hand to provide any technical advice or support to participants during each webinar.

Are the in-person courses and the webinars exactly the same?

Both cover the same content but the webinar courses are longer. They have opportunities for trying out the activities and discussion that there isn’t time for on the shorter  in-person courses.


Key features of our webinars

all the elements and fun of an in-person Yolanda Soryl course

break out opportunities built into the webinar so you can discuss your learning/do the training exercises with another colleague

professionally run

admin person on hand to help you if you have any tech issues and/or have questions

downloadable training materials with the course manuals (if applicable for your course) couriered to you in advance so you are course ready

Q&A time

webinar recording available for 14 days for you to view afterwards

YouTube player

Helpful tips when using Zoom

• Using headphones or earphones will improve your webinar auditory experience.

• Your webinar viewing will run more smoothly if you exit all other apps on your computer and turn off any non-necessary devices using your WiFi.

• To help your chatroom buddy see you, avoid sitting with a window or lamp on behind you.

• Please note that for parts of the courses you will be talking and seen by another person in a break out room.

• Be aware if you private message to other participants using the Zoom chatroom, these are automatically saved and sent to the course admin team.

Troubleshooting Zoom

Avoid signing in with Facebook
It might save time, but it is a poor security practice and dramatically increases the amount of personal data Zoom has access to.


Try to use one device
To improve your security, only use one device for the Zoom. If you need to check emails or texts, use a second device to do that. For example: use your computer to Zoom and your phone to check emails or look up websites.  This way you will not trigger the attention tracking alert.


Experiencing connection issues
Try closing any other apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft Office, and media players that require lots of computer resources. This will ensure your device allocates sufficient resources to Zoom’s video-conferencing software.


Weak or unstable WiFi signal
If you can, use an Ethernet connection directly into your modem/router. Using an Ethernet cable, plug your PC/laptop directly into your modem/router, rather than using a WiFi connection. This will maximise your available internet bandwidth by avoiding losses over WiFi connections.


Freezing, crashing or running very slow
This is likely to be a software or hardware issue but it is difficult to know so our advice would be to follow these basic steps:

1) Update any software.

2) Try restarting your device.

3) Check your internet connection. Ask anyone who maybe also be on the same connection to avoid streaming or downloading while you are in the webinar.

4) Limit the number of apps you launch to a minimum and then try to login into Zoom.

Webinar instructions

How to use Zoom

Download our helpful guide of how to use, message and interact in our chat rooms.