
Reading Discovery Club videos

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Lesson start and Revise!

Watch how Yolanda starts the lesson and gets the students focused and engaged with quick action songs. This is followed with the ‘Revise!’ part of the lesson. Here children revise their learning by writing previously taught words.

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Word of the Day

Watch Yolanda teach a new heart/high frequency word using a word card and word ladder plus revises previously taught word cards. This word will feature in their reading book today.

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Word of the day – mixing up cards

After the children have learnt their new word card, they mix it up with previously taught word cards and read them aloud to themselves.

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Guided Reading

Watch Yolanda introduce the guided reading book and get the children underway with reading it themselves. At this early stage, the students don’t yet have the phonic skills to decode the words, but this will come soon.

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Guided reading discussion after the story

After the children have read the book, there is a discussion about their reading to ensure they have understood the story.

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Watch how Yolanda quickly revises previously taught letter sounds and works with a student with a vowel confusion.

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Guided Writing (edited)

An edited guided writing video highlighting showing the 5 components that make up the lesson.

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Guided Writing

Watch Yolanda use a sentence starter and the word of the day to help these early writers compose a simple story to write themselves using their phonics and writing vocabulary.

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Lesson End

Yolanda ends the lesson with a shared read of the rhyme of the week.

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Resourcing Reading Discovery Club

Watch Yolanda show some of the resources she used to run Reading Discovery Club at her school.

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Half Reading Discovery Club lesson

Watch Yolanda take three five-year-old students through the first half of a Reading Discovery Club lesson. The lesson follows the format: lesson introduction – revise! – phonics – word of the day – guided reading.

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Full Reading Discovery Club lesson

Watch Yolanda take three five-year-old students through the full 30-minute Reading Discovery Club lesson. The lesson follows the format: lesson introduction – revise! – word of the day – guided reading – phonics – guided writing – lesson end.

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