The Early Words programme
Developing reading vocabulary from the beginning
Early Words is an easy to use programme of systematic, five-minute, one-on-one word-focused lessons. In short fun sessions, children repeatedly learn or revise one high-frequency word through word and sentence recognition. The emphasis is on accuracy and fluency.
Early Words books
The Early Words book teaches the first 48 words. Early Words 2 follows on with the next 63 words.
Early Words course
Come on an online training course to learn how to deliver the Early Words programme.
Teaching videos
Watch Yolanda teach her student to see the pace, fun and focus of an Early Words lesson.
How the Early Words programme works
The Early Words programme teaches children at their level, one-to-one, and in a short fun daily lesson where basic sight vocabulary is learnt and children learn how to learn. In the lesson, the student revises previously learnt words, learns a new word, reads and writes it in a sentence, and has fun reading the words in a speed test as fast as they can
Teachers report that as well as building a basic reading vocabulary, children in Early Words are also more likely to improve their focus and concentration, understand the conventions of print and read with more fluency than those who are not. Children enjoy the lessons because they are short, fun, success-oriented and they can see their progress.
The Early Words book covers the first 48 words. It provides everything you need to know to deliver the programme, with QR codes to lesson videos. The Early Words 2 book follows on with the next 63 words. We also offer an online course for those who want step-by-step training in how to deliver the programme with their child or student.
The Early Words programme is perfect for anyone working with children who are beginning to read. Want to see it in action? Watch our lesson videos.
Register for our course
This course is for anyone working with children at the very beginning stages of reading and using the Early Words programme. Check out our group discount offers!
The training course covers:
• theory about learning sight words
• how to teach the Early Words programme
• implementing the programme

Teaching manuals
Early Words
This 288-page teaching manual will help teach children how to learn and recall quickly a basic reading vocabulary of high frequency words. In Early Words, a basic vocabulary of 48 common words are learned. $75
Early Words
$75.00In stock
Early Words 2
Early Words 2 follows on from the Early Words programme for students who need the ongoing support of a structured programme to learn the next 63 high frequency words. It contains 278 pages. $67
Early Words 2
$67.00In stock